Personal Coaching


Practical details

€75/hour, in weekly sessions €70/hour

Whether for Yoga therapy, stress relief or nutrition.


CAY Yoga

Would you like individual yoga advice and guidance or to deepen certain asanas? Or are you looking for specific exercises to make strides in flexibility and strength? Do you prefer to work privately rather than in a group? Then this option is definitely for you!

People opt for private lessons for different reasons. Book your private session to get more out of your Yoga experience. You will experience a noticeable progress in your practice and be able to deepen your understanding of the asanas with more attention to specific body zones.

Yoga CAY

CAT Therapy

Neck and back problems often arise from muscle tension, incorrect posture or movement. Yoga Nirmla is specialised in tackling these complaints with a renewed view on the spine. A posture analysis can be very interesting to gain certain insights. After all, a wrong posture can also cause various complaints. You get to know your spine and anatomy better and you do targeted exercises to tackle the complaint thoroughly at the cause. A posture analysis gives you the insight to change certain habits and to build up a new, good attitude.
The flow is restored in the pain area which in turn, promotes mobility. In case of serious complaints (persistent pain, hernia, etc.) it is best to have private sessions with exercises tailored to your needs. When things get better after a while, you can join a beginners’ group or group Peaceful Breathing and Rest in Knokke.

therapie CAT


Conversation therapy / Stress relief

Stress, who is not confronted with it? There are different forms of stress: work stress, burn-out, relationship stress, lack of time … The consequences are usually not visible from one moment to the next, but can be felt after longer periods.

Everyone reacts differently to stress, yet there are a number of signs that are indicative of stress: hyperventilation, depression, headaches, back pain, muscle tension and pain …

You can learn how to deal with this and how to look at situations in a different way during individual lessons and discussions.

The yoga lessons moreover provide an exclusive view on the body, learning to let go of tension, breathe more freely, move in a focused way and build up regained strength in the body.

  • "

    This unique style of yoga helps me in my hobby of kitesurfing.

    Thanks to CAY, I have improved in both strength and stamina! My overall performance has improved significantly because of an increase in body awareness and greater mobility in my spine (mainly upper back), as well as an increase in strength in my dynamic muscle chain. On the other hand, my breathing pattern as well as my underwater endurance are much stronger. This style of yoga is definitely a boost for many sports!
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    10 years younger, energetic and more agile by CAY!

    I started doing yoga five years ago thanks to my parents. At the time, this was mainly to unwind and escape from my stressful life and end the day in peace. Now, five years later, I feel 10 years younger, more energetic and limber after my yoga hour. I can do exercises that I couldn't even try when I was young. My muscles are much more toned and my body looks firmer by practising a sport that gives only benefits for body and mind. I have even convinced my husband, and my children are starting to see the benefits. I recommend it to everyone -- just to relieve your body every week of all the wrong postures brought about by our stressful lives.
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    CAY and my better posture

    CAY on Monday morning: the ideal physical and mental boost to start the week! The exercises to prepare me for a game of golf are efficient and guarantee great flexibility. I initially started with CAY to improve my posture (upper back) and it really works. Nicole's advice and guidance are very personal and consummately professional!
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    Thanks to a better condition, I feel the benefits of CAY only when jogging!

    I started jogging some 15 years ago, purely to try a different sport. It was moreover a challenge for me to improve my condition. I had been doing CAY for a lot longer. Fifteen years ago, it was not easy for me to pay attention to my posture and breathing while jogging, but I feel the benefits of CAY only now that I am in better shape! My strong core helps me to move and jog well from there. The fact that my upper back is nice and straight means that I put much less strain on my shoulder muscles, and on top of that my breathing gives me ideal guidance so that my jogging moment also becomes a meditation moment. CAY, jogging and conscious breathing are for me the ideal combination to say goodbye to physical or mental tension. 😀

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